Answer to your most common questions.

1. What types of items can you replicate?

We specialize in creating custom 3D printed replicas of cars, motorcycles, boats, pets, buildings, and even sentimental items like urns, jewelry, and ornaments. Our skilled digital artists can create detailed, full-color models of almost anything – if you can dream it, we can print it! Just provide photos of the item, and we’ll take care of the rest.

To get started, simply send us clear, high-quality photos of the item you want to replicate. For cars or vehicles, we recommend photos from different angles (front, side, back, and top) to ensure every detail is captured accurately. For pets, try to provide photos that showcase their full body and any unique features. The more details we can see, the better your final replica will be.

The entire process typically takes 4-6 weeks. It takes about 2-3 weeks to create the CAD model, which you’ll be able to review and approve. After that, printing and finishing take another 2-3 weeks. We’ll keep you updated every step of the way, and you’ll receive your custom replica right to your door.

Absolutely! Before we move forward with printing, we provide renders of the CAD model for your review. We work with you in an iterative process to make sure every detail is perfect. If you need any adjustments, just let us know, and we’ll revise the model until you’re completely satisfied.

Our pricing is based on the size and complexity of the item. For cars and vehicles, we offer three standard sizes: 4 inches ($249.99), 6 inches ($299.99), and 8 inches ($374.99). For boats and motorcycles, we charge $399.99 for an 8-inch model. Buildings are priced based on volume, with a typical model fitting in a 48 cubic inch space for $399.99. Custom pieces like urns, jewelry, and ornaments are priced on a case-by-case basis.

Our replicas are made from full-color 3D-printed nylon, using HP Multi Jet Fusion (MJF) technology. This material is lightweight, highly durable, and offers vibrant color details, making it perfect for creating long-lasting keepsakes and display pieces.

No, the wheels on our replicas do not roll. These models are intended to be art pieces or statues rather than functional toys. They are designed for display purposes, whether on a desk or a dashboard. Our focus is on capturing intricate details, not movement, to ensure the piece stays securely in place.

We offer three size options for our models: 4 inches, 6 inches, and 8 inches. Each size is priced accordingly, and you can find detailed pricing information on our listings. The lead time for each project is typically 4-6 weeks, which includes both model creation and printing.


Write us at [email protected] for further inquiries.